
September 20, 2008 - Cretaceous Fossils, Dallas County, AL

Once again, BPS took a trip south to Dallas county, Alabama, to search in the extensive Cretaceous chalk gullies found there.  This was our last gully trip of the season, since hunting season is about to start, so we were in a frantic hurry to collect the items we had previously flagged, and find as much as we could so it could be preserved, and not get washed down a gully, and potentially los



Fish bone


fish bones

Fragments of fossil fish bones (enchodus).


fish jaw with teeth

Part of a fossil fish jaw, with several teeth still embeded in the jaw.


fish bone and shark vertebra

Fish bone in lower left, broken shark vertebra in upper right.


Fish bones

Fish bones


Fish tooth, possibly enchodus

Enchodus fish tooth.

August 17, 2008 - Cretaceous - Dallas and Perry Counties, Alabama

Day 1 Friday         Day 2 Saturday         Day 3 Sunday

A weekend trip to the Cretaceous chalk gullies of Dallas County Alabama and a creek in Perry county turned up numerous fossils.  Ancient creatures, including shark, turtle, mosasaur, ptychodus, fish, clam, and ammonite were found during the three day weekend trip.


fragments of fish bone

Fragments of fish bone.


fish vertebra

Fish vertebra.


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