
August 28, 2004 - Cretaceous Fossils, Butler Co, AL

August found the group once again at a Butler County, Alabama site. A number of gastropods, nautiloids, shark teeth, turritella, and broken pieces of pottery were found on this private property which has become one of our favorite spots.

(Photos courtesy Vicki Lais)
fossil gastropod
One of the first items found. Forgot to put a scale in the photo,

August 23, 2003 - Butler and Covington Co, AL

BPS did a return trip to Butler County this month.  South Alabama had a lot of rain this year, and the creek looked very different from our previous trip; also, the water was much higher this time.  A number of nice teeth were found, nautaloids, and small gastropods on the ridge.  The best entertainment for the day was watching Claire spin her way up the mountain, after getting

April 19, 2003 - Butler Co, AL

BPS visited a new location in Butler County this month for our field trip.  The creek was shallow, making screening and hiking in the creek particularly easy.  A number of shark teeth were found, including Odontipus robusta, scapanorhynchus and odontaspis elegans, and bones and teeth that we really wanted to pass off as fossils.  Unfortunately,


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