
April 23, 2005 - Cretaceous Fossils, Sumter Co, AL

Another wonderful day on the river! Weather forecast called for a cold front to come in, but we were far enough south to enjoy very nice weather. The river had risen 10-15 feet since the scouting crew checked it out the previous week, and much of our collecting area was under water. The collection area is in the marl limestone sequences in the

May 22, 2004 - Cretaceous Fossils, Sumter Co, AL

Another boat trip, this time in Sumter county, at a river site with huge chalk bluffs.  (The lake level at the Demopolis Lock was 74.28 feet above sea level).  The fossils we collected are from the marl limestone sequences in the Arcola Limestone Member (Late Cretaceous Campanian 83-74 mya).  Last year, Dr.

September 27, 2003 - Sumter Co, AL

This month BPS took to the water. There are chalk bluffs along the Tombigbee that can only be reached by boat. Dr. Charlie Smith has done many years of research on this site, and provided a wonderful lecture and handouts to a group of eager amateurs. A number of straight cephalopods, gastropods, and even ammonites were found. A fish jaw, with teeth, was found on

May 24, 2002 - Lowndes Co, AL

BPS members spent the weekend of May 24-26 on a camping trip to a Lowndes County, Alabama, hunting club, to collect in creeks and gullies. We found crabs in nodules, ammonites, turritella, and had a great time! John brought his telescope, and we spent a long time just gazing at the stars at night, and joined the "next door neighbors" at their campfire.


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