


Tiny articulated exogyra.


fossil shells

Fossil shells laying on top of an exogyra.

August 19-20, 2006 - Cretaceous Fossils, Lowndes Co, AL

Once again BPS was out in the boonies with the ATV’s! Greg even brought his own ride this trip. Go, Greg! Gorgeous weather, good turn-out. Sandy Ebersole, a new BPS member from the Geological Survey of Alabama, was interested in examining the formation to determine if it is part of the same Ripley Formation she is studying at Coon Creek in Tennessee. Sandy and

October 23, 2004 - Cretaceous Fossils, Tuscaloosa and Hale Co, AL

October saw the troops headed to Hale county, AL to a favorite creek. After meeting at a rest area, we headed South to Tuscaloosa where we made a stop at the Museum of Natural History on the University campus. Great fossil collections as well as a fun exhibit of bugs and bats caught everybody's interest. We were delighted to see that the

November 22, 2003 - Dallas Co, AL

This month BPS did several stops in Dallas County. None of the sites were prolific, but each site was easily accessible. At our first stop, a mosausaur bone had been discovered on the scouting trip, so Steve and Greg spent most of their time excavating the bones on top that were weathering. Three bones were collected, though it appears

June 09, 2001 - Lowndes Co, AL

On June 9-10, BPS members spent the weekend in Loundes County, Alabama, where they found Cretaceous fossils. Numerous fossilized crabs and shark teeth were collected on this field trip. The crab nodules and exogyra below are from a resident near the site, who helped us gain permission to collect on the property.


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